
Letzte Änderung: 22.10.2015


Ctrl + r

Rückläufige Suche auf der Kommandozeile durchführen. Die Tastenkombination öffnet eine Eingabe, in der man frühere Kommandos suchen kann. Eingabe von svn zeigt z.B. sofort den zuletzt ausgeführten Subversion-Befehl an. Ctrl+r erneut drücken schaltet verschiedene Ergebnisse durch.

Ctrl + a

Cursor springt an den Anfang der Zeile.

Ctrl + e

Cursor springt ans Ende der Zeile.

Ctrl + w

Löscht das Wort links vom Cursor.

ESC + d

Löscht das Wort rechts vom Cursor.

Ctrl + k

Löscht alles rechts vom Cursor.

Ctrl + u

Löscht alles links vom Cursor.


[ ! EXPR ]

True if EXPR is false.

[ ( EXPR ) ]

Returns the value of EXPR. This may be used to override the normal precedence of operators.

[ EXPR1 -a EXPR2 ]

True if both EXPR1 and EXPR2 are true.

[ EXPR1 -o EXPR2 ]

True if either EXPR1 or EXPR2 is true.

[ -a FILE ]

True if FILE exists.

[ -b FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a block-special file.

[ -c FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a character-special file.

[ -d FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a directory.

[ -e FILE ]

True if FILE exists.

[ -f FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a regular file.

[ -g FILE ]

True if FILE exists and its SGID bit is set.

[ -h FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link.

[ -k FILE ]

True if FILE exists and its sticky bit is set.

[ -p FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a named pipe (FIFO).

[ -r FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is readable.

[ -s FILE ]

True if FILE exists and has a size greater than zero.

[ -t FD ]

True if file descriptor FD is open and refers to a terminal.

[ -u FILE ]

True if FILE exists and its SUID (set user ID) bit is set.

[ -w FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is writable.

[ -x FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is executable.

[ -O FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is owned by the effective user ID.

[ -G FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID.

[ -L FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a symbolic link.

[ -N FILE ]

True if FILE exists and has been modified since it was last read.

[ -S FILE ]

True if FILE exists and is a socket.

[ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ]

True if FILE1 has been changed more recently than FILE2, or if FILE1 exists and FILE2 does not.

[ FILE1 -ot FILE2 ]

True if FILE1 is older than FILE2, or is FILE2 exists and FILE1 does not.

[ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ]

True if FILE1 and FILE2 refer to the same device and inode numbers.


True if shell option "OPTIONNAME" is enabled.

[ -z STRING ]

True of the length if "STRING" is zero.

[ -n STRING ] or [ STRING ]

True if the length of "STRING" is non-zero.


True if the strings are equal. "=" may be used instead of "==" for strict POSIX compliance.


True if the strings are not equal.


True if "STRING1" sorts before "STRING2" lexicographically in the current locale.


True if "STRING1" sorts after "STRING2" lexicographically in the current locale.

[ ARG1 OP ARG2 ]

"OP" is one of -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt or -ge. These arithmetic binary operators return true if "ARG1" is equal to, not equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to "ARG2", respectively. "ARG1" and "ARG2" are integers.


Anwendbar in der Form \e[{attr1;…;{attrN}m

Text attributes
    0 Reset
    1 Bright
    2 Dim
    4 Underscore
    5 Blink
    7 Reverse
    8 Hidden

Foreground Colors
    30 Black
    31 Red
    32 Green
    33 Yellow
    34 Blue
    35 Magenta
    36 Cyan
    37 White

Background Colors
    40 Black
    41 Red
    42 Green
    43 Yellow
    44 Blue
    45 Magenta
    46 Cyan
    47 White